Think of Happy Thoughts!

Think of Happy Thoughts. We all seem to have between 12.000 and 50.000 (!!!) thoughts on an average day. Have you ever wondered how many of these thoughts are happy thoughts?

“People are as happy as they make up their minds to be”. I love this quote from Abraham Lincoln. It’s definitely true!

And what do you think of this one: “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it’s troubles. It empties today of its strength”.

Sometimes I just need it to get re-energized by reading inspiring quotes, or I just need it to clear my mind by trying to enjoy the moment for a while – not being distracted by my agenda and/or To-Do-List -, or I just need it to make myself more aware again of some important things & thoughts by writing a post.

The route to a happier life is through happy thoughts. Not just because they make you feel better immediately… but because happier thoughts make you stronger. “Train your mind to see the good in every situation”.

It’s part of life that people and circumstances will occasionally break you down. It’s not possible to enjoy the moment every day, every hour, every minute. Happiness is never a constant. There is no perfect life, just perfect moments. And it’s these moments we must cherish. Happiness is not the absence of problems – but the strength to deal with them.

“Things often seem more difficult in our minds than they actually are. Luckily, we could always change our mind”

Okay, sounds perfect! Let’s give it a try! :-) Let’s Think of Happy Thoughts. Replace negativity with positivity. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Fill your body with fuel. Healthy is happy. Inspire yourself. Create. Play.  Learn. Give someone a compliment. Take a chance on an idea you believe in. Live. Laugh. Love. Enjoy the little things!