About me & Why I Started

Carpe Diem Moments is about becoming more aware of the need to enjoy the moment more, about reflecting on simple wisdom and about sharing ways to apply it to our daily lives.

My name is Monique. I am a sales professional in IT, an Optimist, a Photography-, Pilates-, Cooking-, Wining & Dining-, Family & Friends-, Beach-, Music-, Technology-, Travelling- and “a whole bunch of other things-” Lover.

The last years I began to realize that there is more in life than increasing its speed. I found out that writing and reading inspiring quotes really helps me clear my mind quite a bit. It helps me becoming more aware of important things in life. Live. Love. Laugh. Less is More. Enjoy.

It makes me feel good to write about something that keeps my head busy, makes me happy or challenges me and share my personal experiences that are helping me and/or having a positive impact.

You’ll find posts about happiness, my happy moments, motivation, optimism and hopefully simple inspiration for your own life as well. If you would like to reach me, please do send  an e-mail to mvandegrootevheen@hotmail.com.

“Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things”

September 2012